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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Importance of Being Consistent With What You Want

A lot of my current work focuses on family relationships, specifically parenting issues. Lately, discipline has been the hot topic with my families and the whole time we’re discussing the techniques, my brain is relating it to couple relationships. One great technique we talk about, and it continues to stick out to me, is using CONSISTENCY.

Using consistency will work REALLY WELL in romantic relationships because the underlying issue with discipline is just RESPECT anyway. And you definitely have to make sure you’re getting it in your love life – so this fits perfectly! One thing I know to be true is that Respect is gained by being consistent and staying true to what you say – in other words, “Walking the Talk.”

A lot of times, people complain certain aspects of their relationship that have to do with things their partner is doing - a woman complains her husband never helps her clean up, girl complains someone she is dating never returns her calls consistently, a guy reminds his partner almost daily about something they're doing which he can't stand. You can never change someone else, you can only make changes to yourself. Since you can't control what the other person is doing, change what you do have control over - YOU. You CAN change the way you react to it. Start by being consistent with your standards.