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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why Do I Like The One I KNOW I Shouldn't??

I had a conversation with a good friend the other day, and we were both trying to decide what it is that makes us attracted to those situations we know logically we’re better off being out of. Like, Why we love that ex-boyfriend we know just aint no good… Or why we tend to get more excited about the “bad guys” over the good, respectful, “safe” ones. It seems like we get bored with guys who treat us right, call consistently, don’t break our trust, tell us the truth about everything – all the things the “safe” guys do without any hard work, sweat, and tears on our part. But then, we fuss and fight with the bad guys for not doing those EXACT things! 

What makes us stick around and try to fix something, when we could just move on and find something that comes already established. We even had examples of our friends who got into something good and still looked back at a past, broken relationship and felt a twinge of nostalgia.

I brought up some reasons that were both funny and actually seemed to make some sense [these things apply to guys, girls, heterosexual relationships, and homosexual too. I’ve talked to plenty guys involved with girls they know aren’t good for them, and they can’t seem to figure out why. And my gay friends too, just can’t figure out why they keep being drawn to someone who can’t give them what they deserve]:

Send me your stories of relationships that didn't work out!! Send to

I'M STARTING A NEW PROJECT!! I want to know YOUR stories about relationships that ended. Everyone always wonders while they're in a relationship and things get hard, "Is it time to say goodbye? Or should I stick through it and work it out?"

So, send me stories [to] about your past relationships. I want to know, 
  • How it started. 
  • What was the good part? What was the bad part?  
  • How many chances did you give it?
  • Did you know the whole time it was doomed from the start? Or did something happen?
  • What was the last straw?
  • What do you think the problem was? Where did things go wrong? 
  • Did your friends/family affect your decision to end it?
  • Are you better now, as a result of the break up?
  • If you could turn back time, would you do it again for the experience, or would you avoid it all together?
  • Most importantly - WHAT DID YOU LEARN? And did you apply these lessons to your next relationship/situation?

Send me your stories to!!! I want to compile the stories and see what we can ALL learn from them. See if any patterns exist that may help other people experiencing something similar. Put as little or as much detail as you want. I'll change any names or specific info - or you can leave it out. It's all about the lessons people can learn & how people can get help hearing what others have gone through. Eventually, I'll start posting them as the Relationships That Ended Story of the Week.

Can't wait to hear what everyone has to say!! 

update 9/22/10: 
If you can, put submissions in a story format. Write the story of your relationship, just try to answer as many of the questions above as you can. I've been getting some great stories! Thank you to everyone! Keep em comin!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

No bullshit! (Relationships & what comes with 'em): Couples Arguing – In Front of Kids? Yes or No?

No bullshit! (Relationships & what comes with 'em): Couples Arguing – In Front of Kids? Yes or No?

Couples Arguing – In Front of Kids? Yes or No?

What do you think should happen? A couple is having an argument. Things are getting heated, and get really bad, really fast. The argument starts getting personal, and mean things are said. One partner may threaten to leave the relationship, the couple decides to break up or separate, or someone storms out of the house because things have gotten so bad. Whatever happens, happens right? It’s their business. But let’s say this couple has children. What then? In most situations I hear about, after a fight like this, no one explains anything to the kids. Maybe they are forgotten about because they were in another room watching TV or doing their own thing. Maybe the kids weren’t home during the argument, so why give an explanation? The couple isn’t pretending everything is perfect; they just want to protect their children from unnecessary stress and getting upset.

I recently had a deep conversation with someone dealing with this exact issue and I’m going to share what I told them about how I felt about it.