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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Send me your stories of relationships that didn't work out!! Send to

I'M STARTING A NEW PROJECT!! I want to know YOUR stories about relationships that ended. Everyone always wonders while they're in a relationship and things get hard, "Is it time to say goodbye? Or should I stick through it and work it out?"

So, send me stories [to] about your past relationships. I want to know, 
  • How it started. 
  • What was the good part? What was the bad part?  
  • How many chances did you give it?
  • Did you know the whole time it was doomed from the start? Or did something happen?
  • What was the last straw?
  • What do you think the problem was? Where did things go wrong? 
  • Did your friends/family affect your decision to end it?
  • Are you better now, as a result of the break up?
  • If you could turn back time, would you do it again for the experience, or would you avoid it all together?
  • Most importantly - WHAT DID YOU LEARN? And did you apply these lessons to your next relationship/situation?

Send me your stories to!!! I want to compile the stories and see what we can ALL learn from them. See if any patterns exist that may help other people experiencing something similar. Put as little or as much detail as you want. I'll change any names or specific info - or you can leave it out. It's all about the lessons people can learn & how people can get help hearing what others have gone through. Eventually, I'll start posting them as the Relationships That Ended Story of the Week.

Can't wait to hear what everyone has to say!! 

update 9/22/10: 
If you can, put submissions in a story format. Write the story of your relationship, just try to answer as many of the questions above as you can. I've been getting some great stories! Thank you to everyone! Keep em comin!

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