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Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Rules of Relationships in 2012? Cheating Isn’t the End of the World?

I’m talking to one of my oldest and best friends the other day & I loved the conversation we had. She was explaining to me how, now that we are older (25 and up), she believes women begin to stop feeling guilty about cheating. The old feelings of guilt should be replaced with a satisfied feeling of achievement…..and pleasure.

She goes on to say, she is not going to let to an opportunity pass her by ever again, just because she is “temporarily coupled up” - especially when, in this day and age, nothing lasts forever. When you ask a person how many relationships they’ve been in, they usually have a pretty long history – or at least SOME history of relationships that have now ended. It means, THEY END. Doesn’t matter how long they lasted, eventually it was over.

And not only does she feel she would not pass up a guy just because he (or herself) is in a relationship, but she also feels that a guy shouldn’t pass up on HER because he is in one. If both people feel an attraction and want to make something of it, what’s the real hold up?

These are all good points, but my question here was – How do you define an “opportunity”?

“An opportunity is like shopping; when I go shopping I only buy the things in the store that I feel like I can’t leave without. Like, if I was going to go home without it, I would keep thinking, ‘Ooohh I should have gotten that.’ You don’t want to feel regret in your personal life. When a relationship ends, you don’t want to think about someone else where it becomes a “What would have happened if…” Especially when you passed up on that person because you were with someone who you didn’t wind up with in the end --- THAT’S AN OPPORTUNITY, and you should never let anyone stop you, ever, from taking advantage of an opportunity.”

The guilt some people feel is just placed on them by other people who want you to feel bad about being happy. The world is run by people who look out for SELF – 100% of the time. And that’s all you are doing, looking out for yourself. No one else is.

My next question is – Could there ever be an opportunity that is the best option out there and makes you want to forget any other options? In other words, is there hope for a “good” relationship? Is  there a guy/girl that makes you not want anybody else?

The best hope is to find and keep a relationship that is honest, accepting, and understanding.

A good relationship would look like this (only regarding the point of sex outside of the relationship, there would be other aspects that are just as important):
  • She should be able to tell her boyfriend, “Hey I want to sleep with this guy. And I’m going to do it.”
  • And instead of the boyfriend being upset, he should think about how honest she was being, even though she could have done whatever she wanted either way
  • She would then like to return to the relationship, and things would continue without a problem

And as far as not wanting another person – it’s very doubtful. People get bored. People grow up and change. That’s why there are other cities and cultures in the world; we like different things. If we didn’t, we would all be doing the same thing all the time.

“I’m not saying that people are going to want to sleep with someone outside of their relationship every two seconds, I’m saying that it happens. You work with people you are attracted to; you meet people. If you feel like that every two seconds, you should be single to begin with.”

Well said; I see valid points everywhere but does it truly fit society today? Does anyone else agree with this logic? No one is saying this is the right way to go – but I am curious to see what people think!!

Questions, Comments, Suggestions? Comment here or email


  1. Hell to the f--k nah. Of course people will history because there are different stages of life...your puppy love and all the high school crush/"love". But as you grow older and learn true love then thats when just jumping in and out of them stop, and you wait for the one. Relationships dont have to end, once your in a mature one. Anyone who feels they do doesn't need nor deserve to be in one. If you go into something (a relationship) thinking about "other options" then your predetermined to not work. Its not about having regrets its about not caring about something else. For example if you go to the mall and see an outfit and dont get it...its not about saying "oh i should of gotten it"...its about "i am killing THIS outfit and NOONE can tell me different" .... People are so focused on the grass being greener on the other side that they dont even notice the fortress that they are standing on. Yes people get bored and yes you discover new things....but the point in being in a relationship is to find someone that you want to discover those things with...and to find new things to do TOGETHER. The problem IMO is that people move to fast now and days everyone is in a rush to have sex and have a baby and be claimed as HIM or HER, that they no longer take the time to get to know someone. . I wish 2012 would be the year to at least attempt to start bringing the family back home. TImes are changing yes but other no circumstances should it be to the point where its blatantly ok to just tell your partner your going to sleep with someone else and its ''OK''. I think a major problem is that people now and days just dont have respect for other people anymore...its all about self.

    1. I agree with you. I hope that 2012 is the year that family and commitment to our families come back. lol @ " I am killing THIS outfit...." I have been married for over 17years and I keep my outfit fly by getting alterations when needed and mending loose ends.... I loved your response.

  2. Wow.....I guess times are changing. I am from the old school. I believe in monogamy. I do, however also believe in honest communication. That being said, I want the option of honesty to come before the option of either party stepping out on an 'opportunity'. If honest open communication is first all other things will be in place- respect, love, intimacy. However, I am not down with the cheating....just saying!

  3. Definitely. I think the the mindset here is that everyone (supposedly) looks out for self now. With the mindset of putting other things & concepts before self - family, another person's feelings - then having to have ur own back & making sure u come out on top would not be so necessary. I think this is a reaction to experiences with very selfish people. And then saying "fuck it, I'm gonna be selfish too"

  4. The possibility of sleeping around and no one getting hurt is unreal lol. The trust issue gets thrown out once the other person finds out. The relationship is doomed from that point and is bound to end. If this is the type of relationships your into, then yes, this is for you. But no matter how guys look at it, if she's his main, he will be upset one way or another and will not be able to accept that she slept with another person.

    1. I guess this is removing emotion from physical though. Like, if we have a good thing going emotionally, I'm not going to let te fact that you saw smthn desirable in another person Physically, change our "good thing". This is like saying, "it happens; do you wanna be with that person? If not, let's move on"'s a really touchy idea lol

  5. Nice blog, and an interesting post. Seriously though, I think people get caught up into the grass is greener on the other side thing a little too much at times. I mean as I've grew older I've learned that everything isn't perfect, and just because that outside opportunity presents itself to fill some of the voids that you may not be getting at home still doesn't mean it would be in your best interest to go to the other side. I just feel that if you're going to cheat, you better make sure it's worth it and that it is not just a band-aid for whatever issues that you're having @ home. Because you could be going into something far worse than you're already in IMO. I do sympathize about where your friend is coming from though. Just got to think it over before you take those actions.

    -I'll be following your blog though, because it's pretty interesting.

    1. Well put "juss another black man out here trying not to be a statistic!" lol i totally agree

    2. Agreed. Nothing is perfect, and chasing smthn that doesn't exist will get u nowhere. Just to play the other side though, I think the point is not necessarily to "trade up". It's more of satisfying an attraction while at the same time asserting that it does not threaten your relationship. Supposedly lol

    3. And thanks for the compliment, this blog is my little baby!

  6. I know that relationships arent perfect and ppl go thru different things in their relationships, but I don't condone cheating period no matter how messed up a situation is in a relationship. Even though it's never an easy thing to tell someone that you want to break up, reality is someone is going to get hurt, but it's inevitable so you have to do what you have to do. Truth is if you love someone and are in love with someone you wouldn't go there in the first place. Ppl do make mistakes but if I find myself second guessing a relationship...then maybe I need to be single. It's human nature to be curious and be attracted to another male/female but to act on it only makes things worse. So, just like "juss another black man....." said it better be worth it...but is it ever??? When you act on desire and lust does it make you feel better?? That's something you have to ask yourself.

    1. I think this idea is saying cheating isnt Cheating anymore, by the old definition.. Its just a whole different mindset/idea

  7. I LOVE all the comments, im interested to see if there is anyone out there willing to say they agree! There can't only be one person on earth who feels this way!! (or maybe so lol)

    I will say, too, I believe a lot of these feelings come fr having repeated experiences w/ some selfish people. And the reaction can be to just follow suit. Who knows of that's right or wrong? I just observe
